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Intercalated Bachelor of Science Degree in Surgery or Surgical Related Area

Closed and due to reopen October 2025  

This date is in order to accommodate medical students who are not allocated their project until Christmas.

Nature of award

The Royal College of Surgeons of England is delighted to announce that it has set aside funding to award grants to medical students studying at UK medical schools wishing to undertake an intercalated bachelor of science degree related to surgery in the academic year commencing September 2025.

You may also apply if your university offers an intercalated MSc instead of an intercalated BSc.

Having discussed this proposal with the Future Surgeons' Forum, it is clear there is a variation in the way in which students are funded - or not funded - for such degrees. There are also differences in what students would require funding for e.g. bench fees, consumables or subsistence. Therefore, the College will take a flexible approach to the way in which these funds are allocated.


All applicants must comply with the following:

  • Must be an affiliated member of RCS England
  • Must not have received a intercalated award from us before
  • Must be a medical student studying at a UK medical school wishing to undertake an intercalated bachelor of science degree related to surgery in the academic year commencing September 2025


Applications consist of:

  • Application form (via application portal)
  • Confidential report from a surgeon working at a hospital linked to your medical school (via application portal)
  • Confidential report from your proposed supervisor (via application portal)

Further enquiries:

How to join the Royal College of Surgeons of England


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