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Recovery Tracker

Get Well Soon

Helping you to make a speedy recovery after surgery for groin hernia repair

Recovery tracker

Days/Weeks Post Op How you might feel Things you can do safely Fit to work?

1 - 2 days

Your wound will be sore from the operation and you may have swelling and bruising around the wound and scrotal region. Women may experience localised swelling and bruising around the wound. This is all normal and is nothing to worry about; it will subside usually within 2 weeks. If you would like to, monitor your progress using the recovery diary.

  • Get up, get dressed, move around the house.
  • Eat and drink as normal.
  • If you are experiencing discomfort, take your pain relief medication.


3 days

There should be much less pain around the wound. You should be able to move a lot more easily than in the past couple of days. Remember, every 24 hours makes a big difference to your recovery.

  • Walking is the perfect way to recover from your hernia repair. There are no restrictions regarding the amount of time you wish to spend out and about, but listen to what your body is telling you – everyone is different and some people will tire sooner than others. The important point to remember is that you cannot do any harm to your hernia repair by walking; pace yourself according to your own general health and wellbeing. Walking helps to avoid stiffness of the muscles and joints.
  • You may still occasionally need to take mild pain relief at this time.

Not just yet

4 - 6

There should be very little pain now, although you may still be experiencing some discomfort and need occasional pain relief.

Continue as on day 3, building up the number of activities you do around the house, perhaps going for a slightly longer walk each day.

Getting there

7 - 13 days

You’ll probably be able to do most things as normal, most of the time.

Continue to build up the amount of activity you’re doing towards your normal levels.

Normally after day 7, on light duties or reduced hours

14 days +

You should be feeling well by now.

Talk with your doctor about going back to work (if you haven’t already). Try to continue taking regular walks; light exercise is permitted. Swimming is also permitted once complete healing of the wound has been achieved and the scar is no longer covered with a dressing.


2 - 4 weeks

Most people who’ve had the operation will be back at work by now, unless there are special circumstances, for example, complications, or their job demands a lot of physical exertion and heavy manual work.


6 weeks

If you haven’t had any complications to do with your surgery, you will be back at work by now.




For cyclists, you need to bear in mind the additional effort it will take when going up hills as this will increase the workload of your abdominal muscles and, inevitably, increase your discomfort.

You should not return to sporting activities such as football and rugby for at least 8 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively.

When can I have sex?

For many people, being able to have sex again is an important milestone in their recovery. There are no set rules or times about when it’s safe to do so other than whether it feels OK to you – treat it like any other physical activity and build up gradually.


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