Faculty Advisors' Resources
Faculty of Dental Surgery Advisors
The Faculty's Regional and Specialty Advisors' Remit (rev. March 2023) provides full details of the criteria for eligibility for standing and voting in elections, together with full details of the posts’ duties and responsibilities (outlined below) and guidance on the election process. Anyone considering standing for a Regional Director, National Specialty Director or Specialty Advisor post should first of all familiarise themselves with this document and then look at our Elections and Vacancies page.
Advisory Appointments Committees provides information on approving job plans, person specifications and other details of consultant appointments.
Within each region, the Faculty is represented by a regional director
What is the Regional Directors Role ?
Role of the Regional Directors
The role of the Regional Director will be to lead the team and the responsibilities include:
- To lead on all regional initiatives and to represent and promote the Faculty within their region.
- To receive copies of all JD and AAC tasks being managed by National Specialty Directors in their region in order to gain an overview of workload in their region, and to provide support and advice as needed.
- To ensure that the Dean and/or FDS office is made aware of any central support required by their team, e.g. further training sessions or meetings
- To lead on Faculty initiatives aimed in one or more named dental school(s).
- To ensure that all the national specialty directors and specialty advisors in their region work together as a team, are supported and can obtain advice from others in the team as needed.
- To represent their region at quarterly meetings of the FDS Regional Committee. If unable to attend, to arrange for an advisor to represent them at the meeting.
- To Liaise between the Faculty and local employing organisation over these appointments in consultation with the relevant national specialty director; the line of communications in these situations should always be via the Regional Director;
- To maintain the Faculty's links with the region's postgraduate medical and dental deans, national specialty directors, national specialty directors, specialty advisors, training programme directors, educational supervisors, dental schools, NHS commissioning teams and fellows;
- To represent the Faculty and dental specialties at meetings of the local surgical regional Board
- To liaise with the speciality directors to potentially be able to offer advice on commissioning of specialty services
What is the National Specialty Directors role?
Role of the National Specialty Directors
The role of the National Specialty Director will be to lead the team (in addition to fulfilling the usual roles of an advisor) and responsibilities include:
- To receive from the FDS office all requests (to review JDs and attend AACs) that relate to their specialty, and to ensure that a Specialty Advisor fulfils the request.
- To ensure that the team works together so that advisors in the team are supported and can obtain advice from others in the team as needed.
- To liaise with the various Regional Directors to ensure that specialty matters are managed effectively across all regions.
- To ensure that the Dean and/or FDS office is made aware of any central support required by their team, e.g. further training sessions or meetings.
- To represent their specialty at quarterly meetings of the FDS Regional Committee. If unable to attend, to arrange for an advisor to represent them at the meeting.
What is the Specialty Advisors role ?
Role of the Specialty Advisors
Specialty advisors are appointed to each region to provide specialty-specific advice, responsibilities include:
- To receive JD and AAC tasks from their National Specialty Director, with a timeline for completion.
- For JDs: to complete the review and approval and then liaise with the relevant Trust via their national specialty director.
- For AACs: to liaise with the Trust directly to agree the attendance details, attend the interview panel, then report the outcome to the FDS Office.
- To liaise with the Regional Director of the region that the JD or AAC belongs to if any regional matter arises.
- To support the Regional Director of their own region in any regional initiatives.
- To attend the quarterly meetings of the FDS Regional Committee, held via MS Teams.