Advisory Appointment Committees (AACs)
About the Advisory Appointment Committees
An Advisory Appointments Committee (AAC) is a legally constituted interview panel established by an employing body when appointing consultants. The function of an AAC is to decide which, if any, of the applicants is suitable for appointment and to make a recommendation to the employing body.
Consultant appointments
Consultant appointments are governed by the National Health Service (Appointment of Consultants) Regulations:Good Practice Guidance 2005. It is therefore a legal requirement that all employing authorities in England and Wales comply with these regulations.
The statute states that a properly constituted AAC must be held for all consultant appointments.
Foundation trusts are exempt from the regulations. However, the College is keen to work in accordance with the concordant between the Royal Colleges and the foundation trust network.
Who sits on the AAC panel?
An AAC panel should include the following members:
- a lay member (normally the chairman of the employing body or another non-executive director)
- the College assessor
- the chief executive of the employing body (or a nominated deputy)
- the medical director of the employing body (or a medically qualified nominated deputy)
- a consultant, normally from the relevant specialty, from the employing body
College assessor
One of the five core members of the committee must be an assessor nominated by the College. The assessor’s role is to ensure that the recommended candidate or candidates are suitably trained to take up the post.
Our Advisory Appointment Committee training workshops will give college representatives the necessary skills in order to act effectively as members of an Advisory Appointment Committee. Book onto our FREE workshop today:
- Register for Advisory Appointments Committee training in Manchester on 25 February 2023