College governance
We are committed to advancing surgical care worldwide. We deliver an internationally-renowned programme of activities and collaborations, education, assessment and development to nearly 30,000 surgeons, dental surgeons and members of the wider surgical and dental teams. And in more than 90 countries.
We recognise that the movement of doctors, patients and surgical innovation across borders greatly impacts surgery in the UK. We champion world-class surgical outcomes for the benefit of all our members and their patients.
Board of Trustees
The College's governing body is its Board of Trustees, which is comprised of the:
- President;
- Vice Presidents;
- Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery;
- three surgical Trustees elected from and by Council;
- four lay Trustees.
Under its Charter, the Board delegates matters relating to professional and public policy, and matters which support members, to the College’s Council.
The Council is comprised of 24 surgeons elected by Fellows and Members of the College, with two dental surgery Fellows elected by the Board of the Faculty of Dental Surgery.
From July 2015 a further ten have been selected by Surgical Specialty Associations (SSA). These ten SSA Council Members are full Council Members, replacing the Presidents of the SSAs who were previously Invited Members of Council.
All meetings of the Board and Council are chaired by the President.
The College delegates the coordination of a number of its main functions to various Committees. The activities of these Committees are reported to Council on a regular basis. In terms of structure, the College is made up of ten Directorates.
Invited Members of Council
The Invited Members of Council include the:
- Chair of the Court of Examiners
- Schools of Surgery representative
- President of the Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations (FSSA)
- President of the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT)
- President of the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association (BOTA)
- Chair of the Patient Liaison Group (PLG)
- Chair of the SAS Forum