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Alongside our Annual Report 2018/19, we have produced a summary of our activities and achievements throughout the last financial year. We are keen that as members you understand how we spend your membership fees and how we are working to our ultimate vision of advancing surgical care.
We support and engage with our members and customers, attract high-quality members of the surgical team, influence policy and raise the profile of the profession.
‘I am very grateful for a briefing from Professor Derek Alderson, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, who talked me through its recent Commission on the Future of Surgery... I was utterly persuaded by his argument, and I urge the Minister to move forward on these recommendations.’
Lord Bethell, Conservative Peer
‘The content of the talks was phenomenal. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt more empowered within the first hour of the talk than I have done in my four years at medical school.’
Women in Surgery member
‘[Being an advisor] has been a valuable learning experience and I have been drawing my trainees' attention to the Updates service for their academic growth.’
Specialist advisor
‘Refreshing to hear open and honest senior surgeons talking about how the work they do affects them in different ways. Well done to the RCS - great to be leading the way in this.’
Illness to Wellness event delegate
‘[The Trainees' Bulletin] is a glorious example of @RCSnews, @bota_uk and @ASiTofficial working together to produce a Bulletin written for trainees, by trainees.’
Quality and research
We advance standards of surgical care, develop new techniques and reduce the variability of patient outcomes.
‘My RCS Research Fellowship allowed me to do interesting research to improve patient care and led to trips to Brazil and Borneo to teach Basic Surgical Skills courses! Fantastic opportunity.’
Julia Blackburn
‘The RCS Research Fellowship opened up so many opportunities for me.’
Surgeon Commander Catherine Powell
‘The greatest achievement was the attainment of a substantive consultant post within the host institution.’
Microsurgery and Major Trauma fellow in Coventry
Learning and Assessment
We educate, develop and support the surgical team, helping our members attain qualifications and learning opportunities, and advancing standards of surgical care.
‘Fantastic support from all faculty - wonderfully devoted people, excited about teaching. I received tons of support and encouragement throughout the course and it's made a massive impact on my confidence and ability to learn. Cannot be thankful enough.’
ATLS Provider participant
‘[The course] was a unique experience which enabled me to have a structured and organised approach to critically ill patients. It is reproducible and I have implemented it in my practice and started teaching my junior staff.’
Faculty member, Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient course
‘All participants developed their knowledge and skills over the period of the course... This is always gratifying to see.’
Faculty member, Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient course
‘A thorough course that enables core trainees to develop a robust framework for dealing with critically ill surgical patients. Very good course at supporting individual course attendees and mentoring them through to the moulage.’
Faculty member, Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient course
We are a global college and we work with local hospitals and clinicians across the globe, advancing standards and developing surgical teams in countries worldwide.
‘The International Surgical Training Programme (ISTP) is an excellent initiative that offers very good training for international medical graduates. My participation in the programme has enabled me to learn experience working in a different health system and I will now be able to use this knowledge and newly acquired skills to make improvements and changes to surgery in my own country.’
ISTP fellow in Kenya
‘[RCS's Supporting International Medical Graduates in Surgery symposium] really made us feel like the RCS knew about our existence, appreciated that and saw us as people with dreams of becoming surgeons...’
Global event participant
President’s foreword
'This year saw the publication of the final report of the RCS’s Commission on the Future of Surgery, which set out a compelling vision for future advances in medicine and technology over the next 20 years.
We have persistently raised concerns with the government about long waiting times for non-urgent surgery and the lack of a plan to clear the backlog of patients waiting for elective treatment.
I am also pleased to note the RCS’s work to attract and support a diverse and representative workforce in surgery, including through our Women in Surgery (WinS) programme.
The RCS has continued to support and deliver a range of research and quality improvement projects, such as our Cholecystectomy Quality Improvement Collaborative (CholeQuIC), while support from six generous funders has allowed us to appoint the first ever RCS Professorial Chairs in Surgical Trials, of which there are now seven in post.
Our members and staff can be immensely proud of their efforts in 2018–19, and I look forward to building upon this work over the coming years.'
Professor Derek Alderson, RCS President
Our plans for the future
Our emerging five-year plan aims to review and refresh the place of the RCS, taking on the challenges of a digital age, global economies, professional specialisation, workforce diversity, better involved and informed patients, and changing attitudes to work. Redevelopment of our London home is symbolic of this change, together with ambitious plans to update what we offer and the way we work to ensure that we remain sustainable for the long term.
We are committed to a continuing process of transformation into a modern, sustainable and forward-thinking college that embraces our heritage and reflects a professional approach to our work within a landmark building.
We look forward to continuing to work with you to support our colleagues, drive the profession forwards and advance surgical care. To stay up to date with exciting future developments, we encourage you to ensure you are receiving our regular email updates and follow us on social media: