07 Sep 2020
We welcome NHS England's announcement of an agreement to allow surgeons in training access to independent hospital operating lists.
17 Jul 2020
The four Surgical Royal Colleges are pleased to announce that the September 2020 MRCS Part A examination will be delivered remotely as an online assessment.
09 Jul 2020
Surgery and our College will never be the same again, writes Professor Neil Mortensen as he takes office as the new president of the RCS.
26 Jun 2020
Responses to our June survey have highlighted the range of challenges currently faced by surgical teams, including slow access to test results, continuing difficulty accessing COVID-light facilities and a lack of interdependent services such as diagnostics. In response to these challenges we are making a series of urgent recommendations for action, to restore surgery safely across the country
03 Jun 2020
The University of Plymouth has launched a collaborative, multi-centre study on surgical management of choledocholithiasis in the UK.
19 May 2020
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week this year, we have put together a list of five things you can do if you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with the stresses caused by COVID-19.
14 May 2020
VP announcement 2020. Mr Tim Mitchell and Mr Tim Goodacre will commence their terms in July.
17 Apr 2020
Almost 2000 surgeons and trainees completed this short survey sharing their local situation with access to PPE and testing for clinicians. The survey revealed worrying findings that will be will be used to lobby the Government to increase the supply of PPE and testing to reach the level of demand in the UK during the COVID-19 outbreak.
10 Apr 2020
We would like to highlight some of our key membership benefits still available to you throughout this outbreak
08 Apr 2020
The membership of The Royal College of Surgeons of England has elected six new members to the RCS Council, to start their terms in July 2020, in addition to the three members who are re-standing for a second term.