12 Jan 2017
06 Jan 2017
As part of our work transforming surgery for the future and in response to feedback from our members the Bulletin is looking for trainees who are interested in writing for us whether one-off articles or regular columns.
06 Jan 2017
Congratulations to the RCS fellows named in the 2017 New Year's Honours
23 Nov 2016
The presidents of the four surgical royal colleges of Great Britain and Ireland invite applications from surgeons with significant relevant experience for the chairmanships of three key intercollegiate committees
17 Nov 2016
It's important that we are open and honest with our members about what we're doing for them and how we spend their membership fees. This year, we've created an impact review, pulling out highlights from the 2015/2016 annual report.
16 Nov 2016
The JCST is looking for practising NHS Consultants who are committed to surgical training and would
like to make a real contribution to the surgical specialties.
28 Oct 2016
We’ve developed new guidance for surgeons regarding the practice of consent that will help you understand the shift in the law and its implications, as well as give you the tools you need to improve your practice.
28 Oct 2016
RCS International Advisers provide proactive advice, information and direction in relation to the development and implementation of the RCS International Strategy within their respective countries.
13 Oct 2016
Please take a moment to watch and vote for our fundraising films which have been entered in the Charity Film Awards.
07 Oct 2016
Currently a quarter of NHS doctors are from overseas, and the NHS has benefited from their talents, their abilities and their will to work with us in the UK. We must continue to support them, despite the insecurity caused by the Brexit situation, and reassure them that they are valued and needed.