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Terms and conditions of fellowships, grants & awards

As set out in the terms and conditions (T&Cs) for the award(s), applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application and will be asked to notify the College indicating their acceptance of the award and their start and completion date, within one month of receipt of the letter.

Each of our programmes has its own set of eligibility criteria and T&Cs, so please ensure you familiarise yourself with the relevant documents below.

Any questions please contact


Terms and Conditions: One Year Research Fellowship

Terms and Conditions: One Year Research Fellowship

Download T&C One Year Research Fellowship

The research fellowship provides 12 months of funding to support trainee members of the College who are ideally registered for a higher degree and want to complete a dedicated year of research in support of their first significant research project.


Subscribing trainee members of the College in a training post, or trainees who have passed the MCQ papers and will sit the final MRCS examination at this College, are eligible to apply. We also welcome applications from SAS Surgeons but note that total funding available for a successful candidate will not exceed ST6-8, Nodal point 5 on the payscale for resident doctors.

Trainees who are working in approved LTFT posts may also apply, noting:

  • Their time working should be wholly focused on research
  • We cannot support a candidate wanting to undertake a split between research and clinical activity
  • The fellowship must be completed within two years.

The applicant must be employed by a UK University or NHS Trust, and the research must be undertaken in the UK.


Terms and Conditions: Honorary One Year Research Fellowship

Terms and Conditions: Honorary One Year Research Fellowship

Download T&C Honorary Research Fellowship

Members of the College who have already successfully secured funding to support their first significant research project may wish to apply for an RCS England Honorary Research Fellowship. Applicants should ideally be registered for a higher degree and want to complete a dedicated year of research in support of their first significant research project. As a successful Honorary fellow, they will be eligible to attend the two day research methods course, attend the Diplomates ceremony and take advantage of any other opportunities available to an RCS England Research Fellow that may arise.


Subscribing trainee members of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in a training post, or trainees who have passed the MCQ papers and will sit the final MRCS examination at this College, are eligible to apply. SAS Surgeon members of the College are also eligible to apply.

The applicant should be employed by a UK University or NHS Trust, and the research must be undertaken in the UK.

Applications for an Honorary research fellowship are subject to the same review process as a funded fellowship application, with peer reviewers and the panel for Viva Day not being aware of the applicant’s alternative funding.

Terms and Conditions: Pump Priming Grants

Terms and Conditions: Pump Priming Grants

Download T&C Pump Priming Grant

The Royal College of Surgeons of England is offering awards to newly appointed consultants (appointed since 2019), senior lecturers, SAS doctors and post-doctoral trainees in surgery working at hospitals and universities within the UK. The aim of the awards is to assist such surgeons in the early stages of their independent research careers.   Awards will be made competitively and may be used flexibly to support the award holder’s research programme.


  • Must be members or fellows of RCS England
  • In addition, successful applicants must remain in good standing with their membership fees throughout the tenure of the award
  • Must not have received a pump priming grant from us before
  • Must be consultants (appointed since 2019), senior lecturers or post-doctoral trainees or SAS doctors in the early stages of their independent research careers
  • Must be working in surgery in the UK

Terms and Conditions: Elective Prize

Terms and Conditions: RCS England Elective Prize in Surgery and the PKK & SK Elective Fellowships

Download T&Cs Elective Prize

We offer two types of awards for medical students planning an elective in surgery in a developing country:

The RCS England Elective Prizes are awards of up to £500 for clinical students wishing to pursue a career in surgery and planning to undertake an elective in surgery in a developing country. This award is made possible thanks to the kind donations of the Preiskel family.

The PKK & SK Elective Fellowships are two awards of up to £1,000 each for clinical students wishing to pursue a career in surgery and planning to undertake an elective in surgery in India. These awards are made possible thanks to the kind donations of the PKK and SK family.


To be eligible to apply, you must be:

  • a clinical student at a UK medical school;
  • a paid affiliate member of RCS England;
  • wishing to pursue a career in surgery and planning to undertake your elective attachment in surgery in a developing country.

Terms and Conditions: Intercalated Bachelor of Science Degree in Surgery or Surgical Related Area 

Terms and Conditions: Intercalated Bachelor of Science Degree in Surgery or Surgical Related Area 

Download T&Cs

The Royal College of Surgeons of England is delighted to announce that it has set aside funding to award grants to medical students studying at UK medical schools wishing to undertake an intercalated bachelor of science degree related to surgery in the academic year commencing September 2024.

You may apply if your university offers an intercalated MSc instead of an intercalated BSc.

Having discussed this proposal with the Future Surgeons' Forum, it is clear that there is a variation in the way in which students are funded - or not funded - for such degrees. There are also differences in what students would require funding for e.g. bench fees, consumables or subsistence. Therefore, the College will take a flexible approach in the way in which these funds are allocated.


  • Must be an affiliated member of RCS England
  • Must not have received a intercalated award from us before
    Must be a medical student studying at a UK medical school wishing to undertake an intercalated bachelor of science degree related to surgery in the academic year commencing September 2024
  • Must be a medical student studying at a UK medical school wishing to undertake an intercalated bachelor of science degree related to surgery in the academic year commencing September 2024 

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