14 Jan 2021
Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting time statistics in England, published today, show the calamitous impact of COVID-19 on hospital waiting lists. A record 4.46 million patients were waiting for hospital treatment in November 2020.
13 Jan 2021
The Royal College of Surgeons of England trusts the JCVI's advice that giving priority to the delivery of the first dose is “highly likely” to have a greater public health impact in the short term.
08 Jan 2021
The Royal College of Surgeons’ Director in Northern Ireland has welcomed the health minister’s announcement of much greater regional collaboration in order to keep urgent surgery, such as cancer and heart operations, going in the face of rising Covid-19 cases.
23 Dec 2020
Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting time statistics in Wales published today show 205,047 patients waiting more than 36 weeks for elective hospital treatment in October. This compares to 21,145 in October 2019. There are now 524,907 waiting for treatment in Wales.
10 Dec 2020
Today’s waiting time statistics show there were more than 160,000 patients waiting more than a year for planned hospital treatment in October 2020 – the highest number since May 2008. Professor Neil Mortensen, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England has said these figures drive home the devastating impact COVID has had on wider NHS services.
22 Nov 2020
Commenting on reports of an expected extra £3bn for the NHS in the spending review, leading surgeons have called on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to go further with a ‘New Deal’ for the NHS that would help the country’s recovery.
20 Nov 2020
The Faculty is keen to show its support for Mouth Cancer Action Month – an issue our members and fellows are no doubt too familiar with.
19 Nov 2020
Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting time statistics in Wales published today show over 55,000 waiting more than a year for elective hospital treatment in September.
12 Nov 2020
Referral-to-Treatment (RTT) statistics published today show 100 times more people were waiting over a year for elective hospital treatment in September, compared to the previous year: 139,545 patients had waited over 52 weeks for treatment in September of this year, compared to 1,305 patients in September 2019.
10 Nov 2020
Following the government’s announcement that more rapid COVID-19 tests are to be rolled out across England, Professor Neil Mortensen, President at the Royal College of Surgeons of England said: “With rising numbers of coronavirus cases across the UK, the expansion of staff testing is very timely. In evidence we gave to Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee in June we recommended that staff should be tested up to twice a week."