23 Sep 2020
Rotting teeth remain the leading cause of hospital admission among five to nine year olds, new figures reveal.
17 Sep 2020
Professor Neil Mortensen, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, welcomes the governmentt's commitment to prioritise coronavirus tests according to need.
10 Sep 2020
Today’s waiting time figures show that just 46.8% of patients were treated within 18 weeks, against a statutory target of 92%. A record 2 million patients were waiting more than 18 weeks.
08 Sep 2020
RCS statement on NHS England's letter on training opportunities in the independent sector.
27 Aug 2020
Figures published today in the latest quarterly bulletin of waiting times for Northern Ireland show nearly 40% (39.4%, 38,354) of patients were waiting more than 52 weeks for either an inpatient or day case admission, compared with 32.8% (30,696) at 31 March 2020, and 27.2% (23,996) at 30 June 2019.
13 Aug 2020
Newly released NHS England waiting times figures show that a ‘wrecking ball’ has been taken to targets for timely treatment, leading surgeons say today. The number of patients who had waited over 52 weeks in June now stands at over 50,000, and is thirty times higher than in February, before the pandemic. The number had almost doubled in the course of the month from May to June.
31 Jul 2020
Professor Neil Mortensen, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England responds to the latest NHS 'system letter', saying "Getting patients treated is critically dependent on capacity, so it is essential the NHS uses its contracts in the independent sector efficiently, and that ‘COVID-light’ areas are established where surgery can continue even if there is a further rise in coronavirus cases."
27 Jul 2020
The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FDS) today welcomes the announcement by the Government of a new obesity strategy.
23 Jul 2020
A leading surgeon has urged doctors and nurses to routinely assess frailty and cognition among women aged 70 and over with suspected breast cancer, to identify potential health care needs when considering future treatment options.
23 Jul 2020
Key details of medical devices implanted in patients during abdominal aortic aneurysm repair are to be included in a national database from today. These new additions to the database will also monitor long-term patient outcomes to identify problems as early as possible. This comes shortly after the Cumberlege review where it was recommended that ‘a central database should be created by collecting key details including the patient, the implanted device, and the surgeon.’