13 Nov 2013
‘The current structures for dealing with emergency patients need urgent modernisation. Accident and Emergency departments are under increasing pressure, and it is imperative that doctors work in partnership to help end the situation where patients are inappropriately admitted.'
01 Nov 2013
‘These new proposals are a positive step towards easing the current concerns over the quality of out of hours care. Patients rightly expect to be able to have an appointment outside the normal 9 to 5 day.'
31 Oct 2013
‘This has been an extensive, thorough and clinically led process. Patients have been involved in decision making at every stage, and the impact has been carefully assessed with full medical input.'
29 Oct 2013
'We welcome many aspects of this report, particularly its focus on ensuring that postgraduate medical education and training is responsive to changing demographic and patient needs.'
28 Oct 2013
‘Clinicians have a duty to seek feedback from patients and to ensure that complaints are taken seriously. This report serves as a reminder that when patient safety concerns are raised they must be dealt with in a timely and constructive fashion, without cover up.'
23 Oct 2013
New figures reveal that, for the first time, more than half of NHS patients who need vital stroke prevention surgery are accessing it within two weeks of experiencing symptoms of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini stroke).
17 Oct 2013
In the moving interview he talks about gunmen shooting indiscriminately. He also discusses the training he delivered to doctors on the ground, leading to lives being saved.
11 Oct 2013
It has been announced today that Professor Norman Williams, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, is to chair an independent taskforce on the implementation of the Working Time Directive and its impact on the NHS and health professionals.
09 Oct 2013
This week, ahead of the official opening of the 2013 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Professor Norman Williams was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons for services to surgery in the UK.
12 Sep 2013
“At the heart of this report is the concept of healthcare professionals taking collective responsibility for patient care, working cohesively to deliver a true seven day service."