27 May 2021
Surgeons have described waiting time figures published today as ‘shocking’ and urged the NI Government to get behind an expansion of Covid-light hospital sites and surgical hubs, to help tackle the backlog of patients needing operations.
25 May 2021
The Royal College of Surgeons has proposed a 10-step action plan to kick-start the post-pandemic recovery of surgical services in Northern Ireland and tackle devastatingly long waiting lists for surgery.
20 May 2021
Statistics published today show the longest ever waiting list in Wales, since records began in 2011. More than 568,367 patients were waiting for planned treatment in March 2021, including surgeries such as hip and knee replacements, post-mastectomy breast reconstructions and ear, nose and throat operations.
19 May 2021
Our Invited Review Mechanism (IRM) provides hospitals with an independent, external and professional review of an individual surgeon or surgical service and/or individual episodes of care.
13 May 2021
NHS England waiting time statistics published today show the longest ever waiting list, since records began in 2007. 4.95 million people were waiting for planned hospital treatment in March 2021, for instance hip and knee replacements, post-mastectomy breast reconstructions and ear, nose and throat operations.
15 Apr 2021
The Royal College of Surgeons of England is calling for investment on a scale last seen in the 2000s, to get back on track meeting NHS waiting time standards. NHS waiting times statistics published today, show the NHS has not met the legal 18 week standard for hospital treatment, for five years. Only 64.5% of patients in February waiting for hospital treatment were treated within 18 weeks in February, against the Government’s target of 92%. In total 387,885 people are now waiting over 18 weeks.
23 Mar 2021
Mr Richard Johnson, Royal College of Surgeons of England Director in Wales, says the recovery of surgical services is one of the biggest challenges the NHS has faced.
18 Mar 2021
The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England) has said it will put diversity at the heart of its strategy following an independent review of diversity in the College’s professional leadership conducted by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC. The review report, which sets out a sixteen-point plan for improving diversity within surgery and RCS England, is published today (18 March 2021).
18 Mar 2021
Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting time statistics in Wales, published today, show there were 221,849 patients waiting more than nine months (36 weeks) to start hospital treatment in January 2021. This compares to 27,314 patients who were waiting more than nine months in January 2020. The figures show that overall, there are 541,702 patients waiting for treatment in Wales.
11 Mar 2021
The largest ever reported waiting list of 4.59 million people was announced today. Within it, the number of people in England waiting longer than a year for hospital treatment has shot up to over a quarter of a million, following the COVID-19 pandemic.