26 Jun 2013
More stomach and oesophageal cancer patient lives could be saved if cancers are detected early. All too often, patients are being diagnosed after an emergency admission to hospital which significantly reduces the likelihood of the tumour being operable.
21 Jun 2013
"We are clear: any preventable harm to patients is unacceptable. However rare these incidents are, never should mean never and avoiding such errors should be the priority of every surgeon."
17 Jun 2013
"We welcome the review’s focus on finding solutions to these complex and politically difficult issues. It is important that a sustainable urgent and emergency care system emerges from the review so that hospitals can focus on treating some of the sickest patients, about a fifth of whom will require urgent surgery."
14 Jun 2013
All consultant surgeons performing procedures which are the subject of the national clinical audits in England have been asked to consent to having their data published and we are encouraging them to do so.
13 Jun 2013
"The Royal College of Surgeons is not there to defend ‘bad’ doctors, or those who are not performing as well as they should. Patients have a right to know of doctors who are not meeting the standards expected of them", Professor Norman Williams, President of the RCS
12 Jun 2013
"We are extremely disappointed that the reform plans aimed at providing the best possible heart surgery for very sick children will be suspended.", Professor Norman Williams, President of the RCS
31 May 2013
“The fact that elective operations are being cancelled for non-clinical reasons is of deep concern to surgeons", Professor Normal Williams, President of the RCS
28 May 2013
"‘The BMJ study is an important piece of research which contributes to the debate around how to improve survival rates following surgery", Professor Antony Narula
05 Apr 2013
The following list indicates the six successful candidates for election to Council at the ballot held on 3 April 2013 and the 19 unsuccessful candidates.
21 Mar 2013
“Tonight’s Horizon raised some interesting issues, particularly the importance of human factors in safer surgery and the way in which structured systems and processes can improve patient safety.", Ms Clare Marx.