06 Sep 2015
The RCS has reviewed the evidence and believes the risk of death is higher for some groups of patients admitted to hospital at the weekend. In many hospitals the levels of staffing and access to diagnostics are worse for all patients including those requiring emergency treatment over the weekend periods.
20 Aug 2015
“This data reveals a decade of inertia in access to dentistry. In the last two years approximately 50% of adults and almost a third of children haven’t seen a dentist. Routine visits to the dentist are vital to maintaining good oral health."
11 Aug 2015
It is wrong to compulsorily require patients to attend a weight loss or stop smoking programme before surgery.
05 Aug 2015
This is a very small study and there is no evidence that loud distracting music is a widespread issue in NHS hospitals.
04 Aug 2015
Research shows that hospitals in the UK have one of the highest reported levels in the industrialised world for leaving surgical items inside patients after surgery.
28 Jul 2015
The RCS was invited by NHS Grampian to undertake an invited service review of the General Surgery Service at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in September 2014 to assist them to review potential concerns that the Board had about team working and individual behaviours
22 Jul 2015
A recent study by The Cornell University Library in the US found that robotic surgery systems were involved in the deaths of 144 people between 2000 and 2013.
21 Jul 2015
“Cardiac surgery for Congenital Heart Disease needs to be delivered in units which have the critical number of staff to support each other, provide secure on-call rotas, disseminate new techniques and train the next generation of specialists."
17 Jul 2015
“We welcome the announcement of plans to implement Sir Robert Francis’ Freedom to Speak Up Review. ‘Learning not Blaming’ rightly states that the NHS must improve, listen and learn from occasions when mistakes are made."
17 Jul 2015
“We agree with the report’s radical aim to lower sugar consumption to 5% of a daily diet to improve oral health. For children this means substituting sugar based fruit juice for sugar free alternatives."