02 Nov 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has urged NHS England to remove surgical treatments for carpel tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren’s contracture, trigger finger and wrist ganglion from a list of clinically ineffective interventions. NHS England is proposing to stop or reduce routine commissioning of 17 interventions where it says less invasive, safer treatments are available and just as effective.
27 Oct 2018
The RCS and BAPS have issued a joint response to data published by the Labour party showing an increase in the number of children's operations in England being cancelled.
26 Oct 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons has responded to new reports that University Hospitals Plymouth Trust has entered into an 18-month partnership with Care UK to provide all elective orthopaedic work for the Trust in one of its facilities.
23 Oct 2018
The Department of Health in Northern Ireland has announced it is creating new regional centres for day surgery. From December, the new prototype elective care centres will undertake routine day surgery for cataracts and treatment of varicose veins. Mr Mark Taylor, Royal College of Surgeons Director for Northern Ireland, has welcomed the announcement.
26 Sep 2018
The number of hospital admissions for tooth decay for children aged 5-9 has increased for the second consecutive year from 25,923 in 2016-2017 to 26,111 in 2017-2018, according to data published by NHS Digital last week. The figure was 26,708 in 2014-2015, dropping to 25,875 in 2015-2016. Tooth decay remains the number one reason that children aged 5-9 are admitted to hospital.
26 Sep 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons has responded to claims on the Victoria Derbyshire programme about the complication rates of hernia meshes.
22 Sep 2018
Almost one in three (29.4%) NHS-funded knee replacements were carried out by the independent sector in 2016-2017, according to NHS Digital data published in response to a parliamentary health question on Thursday. Almost one in five (19.7%) NHS-funded hip replacements were also carried out in the independent sector last year.
21 Sep 2018
A number of trust chief executives have spoken out in the press today about NHS England's current review of current performance standards for access to planned treatment, A&E and cancer care. The Royal College of Surgeons has said it does not support the abolition of performance standards covering access to planned treatment, A&E, and cancer care. However, it says NHS England’s review is a good opportunity to examine existing standards and determine the right targets to ensure patients can get the care they require when it is of most benefit.
14 Sep 2018
New technologies such as wearable health devices and sensors, advances in genomics, and DNA testing, alongside a proliferation of personalised health information, could send the “worried well” into hyperdrive, the Chair of the Royal College of Surgeons’ Commission on the Future of Surgery has warned.
13 Sep 2018
There have been over 84,000 fewer NHS treatments, including surgical operations, performed by consultants so far this year compared to last year, analysis by the Royal College of Surgeons shows.