04 Oct 2019
The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) Library has launched its first ever digital exhibition, Medicinae Plantae: healing plants through time. The exhibition is a collection of striking images from rare texts, such as Hortus Malabaricus by Hendrik van Rheede, which highlight the important role of herbalism in medical education from the late 15th up to the 19th century.
01 Oct 2019
The RCS is supporting NHS Providers’ #RebuildOurNHS campaign, which calls for a multi-year financial settlement that will allow us to plan for the future.
20 Sep 2019
Following the publication of Public Health England’s “Sugar reduction: report on progress between 2015 and 2018” Professor Michael Escudier, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, said: “We welcome publication of Public Health England’s progress report today, which gives us a clear picture of which sugar reduction policies are working, and where more needs to be done."
19 Sep 2019
Tooth decay remains the leading reason for hospitals admissions among 5 to 9 year olds, according to data published by NHS Digital today. The number of admissions for tooth decay was more than double those for acute tonsillitis, which is the second highest cause of hospital admissions for 5 to 9 year olds.
12 Sep 2019
The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) has said it is vital the government’s consultation on the pensions issue that has been exacerbating NHS waiting times delivers a solution before the busy winter period starts. The RCS’s comments come as the number of patients waiting more than 18 weeks for NHS treatment reached its highest in over a decade (since May 2008) at over 620,000.
12 Sep 2019
We are saddened to learn of the death of former Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) President Sir Norman Browse. Sir Norman had a distinguished career as a vascular surgeon and served as RCS President from 1992 to 1995.
29 Aug 2019
Figures published by NHS Digital today show that more than four in ten (41%) children did not see an NHS dentist in the 12 months to June this year. The Faculty of Dental Surgery has said that the number of children not seeing a dentist is still unacceptably high.
22 Aug 2019
Health leaders, including Professor Derek Alderson, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Professor Michael Escudier, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to warn of the impact a no-deal Brexit could have on NHS patients.
16 Aug 2019
Professor Peter Hutchinson, has been appointed as the Director of Clinical Research at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He took over this post from Professor Dion Morton in June 2019.
15 Aug 2019
The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England says all schools in England should be encouraged to become sugar free to tackle worrying levels of child tooth decay. More than 100,000 hospital admissions for children under the age of ten in England due to tooth decay over a three year period.