26 Apr 2018
The RCS has responded to research published in The BMJ today which has found patients undergoing emergency surgery who are treated by older surgeons (aged 60 or over) have slightly lower death rates in the first few weeks after their operation than patients treated by younger surgeons (aged less than 40) within the same hospital.
13 Apr 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons has responded to news that the Duke of Edinburgh has been discharged from hospital following a successful hip replacement operation.
12 Apr 2018
Today’s NHS performance data shows another significant decline in the percentage of patients seen within 4 hours of attendance at A&E. Performance for A&E usually improves in March as the NHS comes out of the winter. However, hospitals have struggled this year with continued cold weather, including heavy snow, and high rates of flu and norovirus.
11 Apr 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has today called for independent providers of healthcare to raise safety standards following a Care Quality Commission report that raises concerns about the practices of some private providers.
11 Apr 2018
The GIRFT cardiothoracic surgery national report has been published today. The report's author says cardiothoracic proposals promise less delays and more successful outcomes for patients.
10 Apr 2018
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) has said areas where there are significant oral health problems should prioritise children’s oral health in their Health and Wellbeing strategies and use successful schemes, such as supervised tooth brushing in nurseries, to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities.
06 Apr 2018
The Faculty of Dental Surgery is calling for some of the revenue from the Soft Drinks Industry Levy introduced today (6 April) to be used to teach children about oral health as new figures reveal 60,000 school days are lost each year because children are admitted to hospital to have teeth removed. Tooth extraction is the most common reason for hospital admittance in children and a child has a tooth removed every 10 minutes, according to data released by Public Health England (PHE) today.
06 Apr 2018
Following Health Education England’s consultation on Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future: A draft health and care workforce strategy for England, leaders from eight Royal Colleges and Faculties have written a joint statement to urge the government and its partners to prioritise four key points whilst developing the new strategy.
06 Apr 2018
An unacceptable number of patients are waiting longer than two years for treatment in Northern Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has warned today. Some patients have waited at least four years from first referral to treatment, and the number of patients waiting over two years is much higher than in England.
05 Apr 2018
The Royal College of Surgeons has responded to news the Duke of Edinburgh has undergone a successful hip replacement operation.